6 When there are multiple column per event type

When there are separate columns for the data, and event type it is more complex. In this data the response start, end, and response types are all stored in different columns, but must be kept together per patient and event.

long_start <- gather_(data=wide_example[,c('ID','Response1.Start','Response2.Start','Response3.Start')],
                      "response_number", "start_time", gather_cols=c('Response1.Start','Response2.Start',

long_start$response_number <- substring(long_start$response_number,1,9) # Will be used to match to the end and types
ID response_number start_time
ID:001 Response1 1.2
ID:002 Response1 0.6
ID:001 Response2 4.0
ID:002 Response2 1.5
ID:002 Response3 2.0

Separate dataframes are created for the end time, and response, then they are all merged together by the id, and response_number

long_end <- gather_(data=wide_example[,c('ID','Response1.End','Response2.End','Response3.End')],
                    "response_number", "end_time", gather_cols=c('Response1.End','Response2.End',
long_end$response_number <- substring(long_end$response_number,1,9)

long_response <- gather_(data=wide_example[,c('ID','Response1','Response2','Response3')],
                         "response_number", "Response", gather_cols=c('Response1','Response2','Response3'),

long_response_full <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE,by=c('ID','response_number')), 
                            list(long_start, long_end, long_response))
ID response_number start_time end_time Response
ID:001 Response1 1.2 2.2 SD
ID:001 Response2 4.0 5.0 CR
ID:002 Response1 0.6 0.8 SD
ID:002 Response2 1.5 2.0 PR
ID:002 Response3 2.0 4.0 CR

The lines can then be added to the plot

  swimmer_points(df=points_long,id='ID',name_shape = 'point',size=8)+
  swimmer_lines(df_lines = long_response_full,id='ID',start = 'start_time',end='end_time',