4 Formatting data

For all of the function to run, the data must be in the long format. This means that each event must be on a new row. An event would be a single point, a line segment, or an arrow. If a study unit has multiple events occur they must be recorded over multiple rows. Often times data is given in the long format (eg. One row per patient).

4.1 Long data

Here is an example data.frame in the long format.

wide_example <- structure(list(ID = c("ID:001", "ID:002", "ID:003"), Date.begin.Treatment = structure(c(14307, 
14126, 15312), class = "Date"), AE = structure(c(16133, 14491, 
NA), class = "Date"), SAE = structure(c(16316, NA, 16042), class = "Date"), 
    Death.date = structure(c(16499, NA, 17869), class = "Date"), 
    Response1 = c("SD", "SD", NA), Response1.Start = structure(c(14745, 
    14345, NA), class = "Date"), Response1.End = structure(c(15111, 
    14418, NA), class = "Date"), Response2 = c("CR", "PR", NA
    ), Response2.Start = structure(c(15768, 14674, NA), class = "Date"), 
    Response2.End = structure(c(16133, 14856, NA), class = "Date"), 
    Response3 = c(NA, "CR", NA), Response3.Start = structure(c(NA, 
    14856, NA), class = "Date"), Response3.End = structure(c(NA, 
    15587, NA), class = "Date"), Last.follow.up = structure(c(16499, 
    17048, 17869), class = "Date")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
ID Date.begin.Treatment AE SAE Death.date Response1 Response1.Start Response1.End Response2 Response2.Start Response2.End Response3 Response3.Start Response3.End Last.follow.up
ID:001 2009-03-04 2014-03-04 2014-09-03 2015-03-05 SD 2010-05-16 2011-05-17 CR 2013-03-04 2014-03-04 NA NA NA 2015-03-05
ID:002 2008-09-04 2009-09-04 NA NA SD 2009-04-11 2009-06-23 PR 2010-03-06 2010-09-04 CR 2010-09-04 2012-09-04 2016-09-04
ID:003 2011-12-04 NA 2013-12-03 2018-12-04 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2018-12-04

All of the dates need to be converted to time. For each patient the Date.begin.Treatment is the starting point (Time 0)

date_cols <- c("Date.begin.Treatment","AE","SAE",'Death.date','Response1.Start', 'Response1.End','Response2.Start', 'Response2.End',
               'Response3.Start' ,'Response3.End' ,'Last.follow.up') # Getting the columns with dates
wide_example[date_cols] <- lapply(wide_example[date_cols], as.numeric) # Converting to numbers 
wide_example[date_cols] <- round((wide_example[date_cols]-wide_example$Date.begin.Treatment)/365.25,1) #Calcuating the time in years since the start of treatment
ID Date.begin.Treatment AE SAE Death.date Response1 Response1.Start Response1.End Response2 Response2.Start Response2.End Response3 Response3.Start Response3.End Last.follow.up
ID:001 0 5 5.5 6 SD 1.2 2.2 CR 4.0 5 NA NA NA 6
ID:002 0 1 NA NA SD 0.6 0.8 PR 1.5 2 CR 2 4 8
ID:003 0 NA 2.0 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7

The wide data can be used to create the bars of the swimmer plot

plot <- swimmer_plot(df=wide_example,id='ID',end='Last.follow.up',col='black',fill='grey')